What goes hand-in-hand with summertime?
If you answered Chlorine, you are correct! Swimming in pools and relaxing in hot tubs are popular summertime pastimes. However, it can be dangerous to your gold jewelry. Many people do not realize this, but, while gold is not affected by chlorine, the alloys it is mixed with can be affected. Yes, Chlorine and jewelry don't mix!
"If pure gold is not affected by chlorine why is it mixed with other metals that are?"
While pure gold may be resistant to the negative affects of chlorine, it is overall a soft metal and less likely to stand up to wear and tear of jewelry. Gold is mixed with stronger metals to increase it's longevity and malleability. Likewise, gold can be mixed with different metals to change it's color from yellow to pink, white, or green. Let's take a closer look at how chlorine effects jewelry and how you can protect your jewelry:
"How does chlorine effect gold jewelry?"
Chlorine has a damaging effect on the alloys used in most gold karats. The only pure gold is 24KT. Otherwise, gold is melted and mixed with other metals. Depending on the concentration and additional factors, such as heat, the chlorine will react with the alloys and disintegrate them overtime. Likewise, even on pure 24KT gold jewelry, if any part of the ring has been soldered together, the solder can react and also disintegrate.
What can I do to protect my jewelry?
Take off your jewelry! This is really the only way to prevent damage to your gold. The only thing worse than a pool is a hot tub, as the heat can accelerate the chemical reaction and cause the metal to disintegrate faster.
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